Last Updated on 18 June, 2022
Subnautica Item Id List – All the items’ ids and how to use them (Spawn & Item Cheats)
There are two Item ID cheats
- Spawn: Spawn Item (example: Spawn Accumulator)
- Item: Item Item (example: Item Accumulator)
More Item Id Lists: Atlas, Terraria, Ark, Skyrim, Fallout 4, Conan Exiles, Rising World, The Forest, Stardew Valley, Unturned, Pixark, Starbound, Rust
Subnautica Item ID – A to B
All the Item Id – Subnautica items A to B
Item Name | Item ID – Subnautica |
Abandoned Pda | SurvivorPDA |
Accumulator | Accumulator |
Acid Mushroom | acidmushroom |
Acid Mushroom Spore | acidmushroomspore |
Advanced Wiring Kit | advancedwiringkit |
Aerogel | aerogel |
Air Bladder | airbladder |
Alien Containment | basewaterpark |
Alien Containment | basewaterparkfragment |
Alien Feces | seatreaderpoop |
Alien Tablets | precursorkeys |
Amino Acid | aminoacids |
Ampeel | shocker |
Ampeel Egg | shockeregg |
An Unusual Doll | Marki1 |
An Unusual Doll | Marki2 |
Aquarium | aquarium |
Arcade Gorge Toy | arcadegorgetoy |
Aurora Miniature | starshipsouvenir |
Aurora Poster | PosterAurora |
Baby Leviathan Enzymes | enzymecureball |
Bar Table | bartable |
Base Cyclops Reinforcement Module | HullReinforcementModule2 |
Base Pipe Connector | basepipeconnector |
Basic Compartment | basecorridor |
Basic Double Bed | bed1 |
Basic Plant Pot | planterpot |
Battery | battery |
Battery Charger | batterycharger |
Battery Charger | batterychargerfragment |
Beacon | beacon |
Bench | bench |
Benzene | benzene |
Bikeman Hull Plate | BikemanHullPlate |
Bioreactor | basebioreactor |
Bioreactor | bioreactorfragment |
Bioreactor Blueprint | BioreactorBlueprint |
Bioreactor Fragment | BaseBioReactorFragment |
Biter | biter |
Bladderfish | bladderfish |
Bleach | bleach |
Bleeder | bleeder |
Blighter | blighter |
Blood Crawler | shuttlebug |
Blood Grass | bloodgrass |
Blood Oil | bloodoil |
Bloodroot | bloodroot |
Bloodvine | bloodvine |
Bloom Plankton | bloom |
Blue Cap | Cap2 |
Blue Palm | bluepalm |
Blue Palm Seed | bluepalmseed |
Blue Table Coral | BlueJeweledDisk |
Blue Tablet | precursorkey_blue |
Boneshark | boneshark |
Boneshark Egg | bonesharkegg |
Boneshark Undiscovered Egg | BonesharkEggUndiscovered |
Boomerang | boomerang |
Brain Coral | PurpleBrainCoral |
Brain Coral Sample | purplebraincoralpiece |
Bulb Bush | smallkoosh mediumkoosh largekoosh hugekoosh |
Bulb Bush Sample | kooshchunk |
Bulb Zone Egg | kooshzoneegg |
Bulbo Tree | bulbotree |
Bulbo Tree Sample | bulbotreepiece |
Bulkhead | basebulkhead |
Bulkhead | basebulkheadfragment |
Subnautica Item ID – C to D
All the Item Id – Subnautica items C to D
Item Name | Item ID – Subnautica |
Camera Drone | maproomcamera |
Cap | cap1 cap2 |
Cargo Crate | StarshipCargoCrate |
Carry-all | luggagebag |
Cartilaginous Shell | ReefbackShell |
Cartilaginous Tissue | ReefbackTissue |
Cave Bush | purplebranches |
Cave Bush Seed | purplebranchesseed |
Cave Crawler | cavecrawler |
Cave Sulfur | crashpowder |
Centrifuge | Centrifuge |
Chair | starshipchair |
Chair 2 | starshipchair2 |
Chair 3 | starshipchair3 |
Chelonian Hull Reinforcement Module | HullReinforcementModule3 |
Chelonian Structure | ReefbackAdvancedStructure |
Chic Plant Pot | planterpot3 |
Chinese Potato | purplevegetableplant |
Chinese Potato | purplevegetable |
Circuit Box | StarshipCircuitBox |
Coffee Americano | Coffee |
Coffee Vending Machine | coffeevendingmachine |
Common Bulb Bush | MediumKoosh |
Compass | compass |
Composite Plant Pot | planterpot2 |
Computer Chip | computerchip |
Cooked Bladderfish | cookedbladderfish |
Cooked Boomerang | cookedboomerang |
Cooked Eyeye | cookedeyeye |
Cooked Garryfish | cookedgarryfish |
Cooked Holefish | cookedholefish |
Cooked Hoopfish | cookedhoopfish |
Cooked Hoverfish | cookedhoverfish |
Cooked Magmarang | cookedlavaboomerang |
Cooked Oculus | cookedoculus |
Cooked Peeper | cookedpeeper |
Cooked Red Eyeye | cookedlavaeyeye |
Cooked Reginald | cookedreginald |
Cooked Spadefish | cookedspadefish |
Cooked Spinefish | cookedspinefish |
Copper Ore | copper |
Copper Ore | drillablecopper |
Copper Wire | copperwire |
Coral Shell Plate | CoralShellPlate |
Coral Tube Sample | coralchunk |
Counter | labcounter |
Crabsnake | crabsnake |
Crabsnake Egg | crabsnakeegg |
Crabsnake Undiscovered Egg | CrabsnakeEggUndiscovered |
Crabsquid | crabsquid |
Crabsquid Egg | CrabsquidEgg |
Crabsquid Undiscovered Egg | CrabsquidEggUndiscovered |
Crash Undiscovered Egg | CrashEggUndiscovered |
Crashfish | crash |
Crashfish Egg | crashegg |
Creature Decoy | CyclopsDecoy |
Creepvine | Creepvine |
Creepvine Sample | creepvinepiece |
Creepvine Seed Cluster | creepvineseedcluster |
Crimson Ray | ghostrayred |
Crystalline Sulfur | sulphur |
Cuddlefish | cutefish |
Cuddlefish Egg | CutefishEgg |
Cured Bladderfish | curedbladderfish |
Cured Boomerang | curedboomerang |
Cured Eyeye | curedeyeye |
Cured Garryfish | curedgarryfish |
Cured Holefish | curedholefish |
Cured Hoopfish | curedhoopfish |
Cured Hoverfish | curedhoverfish |
Cured Magmarang | curedlavaboomerang |
Cured Oculus | curedoculus |
Cured Peeper | curedpeeper |
Cured Red Eyeye | curedlavaeyeye |
Cured Reginald | curedreginald |
Cured Spadefish | curedspadefish |
Cured Spinefish | curedspinefish |
Current Generator | CurrentGenerator |
Cutefish Undiscovered Egg | CutefishEggUndiscovered |
Cyclops | sub cyclops |
Cyclops | cyclopsbridgefragment cyclopshullfragment cyclopsenginefragment |
Cyclops | Cyclops |
Cyclops Blueprint | CyclopsBlueprint |
Cyclops Bridge Blueprint | CyclopsBridgeBlueprint |
Cyclops Decoy Tube Upgrade | CyclopsDecoyModule |
Cyclops Depth Module Fragment | ReinforceHullFragment |
Cyclops Depth Module Mk1 | cyclopshullmodule1 |
Cyclops Depth Module Mk1 | reinfrocedhullfragment |
Cyclops Depth Module Mk2 | cyclopshullmodule2 |
Cyclops Depth Module Mk3 | CyclopsHullModule3 |
Cyclops Docking Bay Blueprint | CyclopsDockingBayBlueprint |
Cyclops Docking Bay Repair Module | CyclopsSeamothRepairModule |
Cyclops Engine Blueprint | CyclopsEngineBlueprint |
Cyclops Engine Efficiency Module | powerupgrademodule |
Cyclops Fire Suppression System | cyclopsfiresuppressionmodule |
Cyclops Hull Blueprint | CyclopsHullBlueprint |
Cyclops Pressure Compensator | HullReinforcementModule |
Cyclops Pressure Compensator Blueprint | ReinforceHullBlueprint |
Cyclops Shield Generator | CyclopsShieldModule |
Cyclops Sonar Upgrade | CyclopsSonarModule |
Cyclops Thermal Reactor Module | CyclopsThermalReactorModule |
Cylindrical Sample Flask | LabContainer3 |
Data Terminal | GenericConsole |
Databox | Databox |
Deep Shroom | whitemushroom |
Deep Shroom Spore | whitemushroomspore |
Depleted Reactor Rod | depletedreactorrod |
Depth Module Mk1 | vehiclehullmodule1 |
Depth Module Mk2 | vehiclehullmodule2 |
Depth Module Mk3 | vehiclehullmodule3 |
Desk | starshipdesk |
Dev Test Item | DevTestItem |
Diamond | diamond |
Diamond | drillablediamond |
Diorama Hull Plate | DioramaHullPlate |
Disinfected Water | disinfectedwater |
Dive Suit | DiveSuit |
Door | BaseDoor |
Drooping Stingers | hangingstinger |
Subnautica Item ID – E to K
All the Item Id – Subnautica items E to K
Item Name | Item ID – Subnautica |
Eat My Diction Hull Plate | EatMyDictionHullPlate |
Enameled Glass | enameledglass |
Engine Efficiency Module | vehiclepowerupgrademodule |
Exterior Growbed | farmingtray |
Eye Stalk | eyesplant |
Eye Stalk Seed | eyesplantseed |
Eyeye | eyeye |
Fabricator | fabricator |
Fabricator Blueprint | FabricatorBlueprint |
Fern Palm | fernpalm |
Fern Palm Seed | fernpalmseed |
Fiber Mesh | fibermesh |
Filtered Water | filteredwater |
Filtration Machine Fragment | FiltrationMachineFragment |
Fins | fins |
Fire Extinguisher | fireextinguisher |
First Aid Kit | firstaidkit |
Flare | flare |
Flashlight | flashlight |
Floater | floater |
Floodlight | techlight |
Floodlight Blueprint | TechlightBlueprint |
Fluid Analyzer (non-functional) | LabEquipment2 |
Foundation | basefoundation |
Fragment Analyzer | FragmentAnalyzer |
Fragment Sensor | LootSensorFragment |
Fungal Sample | treemushroompiece |
Furled Papyrus | redrollplant |
Furled Papyrus Seed | redrollplantseed |
Gabe’s Feather | gabesfeather |
Gabe’s Feather Seed | gabesfeatherseed |
Garryfish | garryfish |
Gas Pod | gaspod |
Gas Torpedo | gastorpedo |
Gasopod | gasopod |
Gasopod Egg | gasopodegg |
Gasopod Undiscovered Egg | GasopodEggUndiscovered |
Gel Sack | jellyplant |
Gel Sack Spore | jellyplantseed |
Ghost Weed | redgreententacle |
Ghost Weed Seed | redgreententacleseed |
Ghostray | ghostrayblue |
Giant Bulb Bush | HugeKoosh |
Giant Coral Tubes | BigCoralTubes |
Giant Cove Tree | covetree |
Gilathiss Hull Plate | GilathissHullPlate |
Glass | glass |
Glass Compartment | basecorridorglassi |
Glass Compartment | BaseCorridorGlass |
Gold | gold |
Gold | drillablegold |
Grand Reefs Egg | grandreefsegg |
Graphene | Graphene |
Grassy Plateaus Egg | grassyplateausegg |
Grav Trap | gravsphere |
Gray Cap | Cap1 |
Green Grass | greengrass |
Green Table Coral | GreenJeweledDisk |
Grub Basket | orangepetalsplant |
Grub Basket Seed | orangepetalsplantseed |
Grue Cluster | bluecluster |
Habitat Builder | builder |
Hardened Blade | DiamondBlade |
Hatch | basehatch |
Hatching Enzymes | hatchingenzymes |
High Capacity O2 Tank | DoubleTank |
Holefish | holefish |
Hoopfish | hoopfish |
Hoverfish | hoverfish |
Hull Plate | SpecialHullPlate |
Hull Reinforcement | vehiclearmorplating |
Hydrochloric Acid | hydrochloricacid |
I Compartment | BaseCorridorI |
Incubator | Incubator |
Indie Game Promoter Hull Plate | IGPHullPlate |
Interior Growbed | planterbox |
Ion Battery | PrecursorIonBattery |
Ion Crystal Matrix | PrecursorIonCrystalMatrix |
Ion Cube | precursorioncrystal |
Ion Power Cell | PrecursorIonPowerCell |
Jack’s Septic Tank | JackSepticEye |
Jacksepticeye Hull Plate | JackSepticEyeHullPlate |
Jaffa Cup | orangemushroom |
Jaffa Cup Seed | orangemushroomspore |
Jellyray | jellyray |
Jellyray Egg | jellyrayegg |
Jellyray Undiscovered Egg | JellyrayEggUndiscovered |
Jellyshroom | snakemushroom |
Jellyshroom Spore | snakemushroomspore |
Jumper Undiscovered Egg | JumperEggUndiscovered |
Keep Calm Poster | PosterKitty |
Kelp Forest Egg | kelpforestegg |
Kyanite | kyanite |
Kyanite | drillablekyanite |
Subnautica Item ID – L to O
All the Item Id – Subnautica items L to O
Item Name | Item ID – Subnautica |
L Compartment | basecorridorl |
L Glass Compartment | basecorridorglassl |
Lab Container | labcontainer labcontainer2 labcontainer3 |
Lab Equipment | labequipment1 labequipment2 labequipment3 |
Ladder | baseladder |
Lantern Fruit | hangingfruit |
Lantern Tree | hangingfruittree |
Large Bulb Bush | LargeKoosh |
Large Filtered Water | bigfilteredwater |
Large Sample Flask | LabContainer |
Laser Cutter | lasercutter |
Lava Larva | lavalarva |
Lava Lizard | lavalizard |
Lava Lizard Egg | LavaLizardEgg |
Lava Lizard Undiscovered Egg | LavaLizardEggUndiscovered |
Lava Zone Egg | lavazoneegg |
Lead | lead |
Lead | drillablelead |
Light Stick | ledlight |
Light Stick | ledlightfragment |
Light Stick Blueprint | LEDLightBlueprint |
Lightweight High Capacity Tank | plasteeltank |
Limestone Outcrop | limestonechunk |
Lithium | lithium |
Lithium | drillablelithium |
Lithium Ion Battery | lithiumionbattery |
Lithium Sensor | LootSensorLithium |
Locker | locker |
Lordminion Hull Plate | LordMinionHullPlate |
Lubricant | lubricant |
Magmarang | lavaboomerang |
Magnesium | Magnesium |
Magnetite | magnetite |
Magnetite | drillablemagnetite |
Marblemelon | Melon |
Marblemelon Plant | melon smallmelon |
Marblemelon Plant | MelonPlant |
Marblemelon Seeds | melonseed |
Markiplier Hull Plate | MarkiplierHullPlate |
Marla | EatMyDiction |
Medical Kit Fabricator | medicalcabinet |
Membrain Tree | membraintree |
Membrain Tree Seed | membraintreeseed |
Mercury Ore | mercuryore |
Mesmer | mesmer |
Mesmer Egg | mesmeregg |
Mesmer Undiscovered Egg | MesmerEggUndiscovered |
Metal Salvage | scrapmetal |
Metal Sensor | LootSensorMetal |
Microscope (non-functional) | LabEquipment1 |
Ming Plant | purplevaseplant |
Ming Plant Seed | purplevaseplantseed |
Mix Chips | Snack1 |
Mobile Vehicle Bay | constructor |
Mobile Vehicle Bay | constructorfragment |
Mobile Vehicle Bay Blueprint | ConstructorBlueprint |
Modification Station | workbench |
Modification Station | workbenchfragment |
Modification Station Blueprint | WorkbenchBlueprint |
Mohawk | mohawk |
Monitor | StarshipMonitor |
Moonpool | basemoonpool |
Moonpool | moonpoolfragment |
Moonpool Blueprint | MoonpoolBlueprint |
Multipurpose Room | baseroom |
Multipurpose Room | baseroomfragment |
Mushroom Forest Egg | mushroomforestegg |
Muyskerm Hull Plate | MuyskermHullPlate |
Nanowires | nanowires |
Narrow Bed | narrowbed |
Natural Selection 2 Poster | Poster |
Neptune Boosters | RocketStage1 |
Neptune Cockpit | RocketStage3 |
Neptune Escape Rocket | rocketbase |
Neptune Fuel Reserve | RocketStage2 |
Neptune Gantry | RocketBaseLadder |
Nickel Ore | Nickel |
Nuclear Reactor | basenuclearreactor |
Nuclear Reactor | nuclearreactorfragment |
Nuclear Reactor Blueprint | NuclearReactorBlueprint |
Nuclear Reactor Fragment | BaseNuclearReactorFragment |
Nuclear Waste Disposal | labtrashcan |
Nutrient Block | nutrientblock |
Observatory | baseobservatory |
Observatory | baseobservatoryfragment |
Oculus | oculus |
Opal Gem | opalgem |
Open Decoy Loading Tube | UseDecoyTube |
Orange Tablet | precursorkey_orange |
Subnautica Item ID – P to R
All the Item Id – Subnautica items P to R
Item Name | Item ID – Subnautica |
Pathfinder Tool | divereel |
Peeper | peeper |
Picture Frame | pictureframe |
Pink Cap | pinkmushroom |
Pink Cap Spore | pinkmushroomspore |
Pipe | pipe |
Pipe Surface Floater | pipesurfacefloater |
Plant Shelf | plantershelf |
Plasteel Ingot | plasteelingot |
Polyaniline | polyaniline |
Posters | poster posterexosuit1 posterexosuit2 posterkitty posteraurora |
Potato Mix | Snack3 |
Power Cell | powercell |
Power Cell Charger | powercellcharger |
Power Cell Charger | powercellchargerfragment |
Power Generator | PowerGenerator |
Power Transmitter | powertransmitter |
Power Transmitter | powertransmitterfragment |
Powerglide | PowerGlide |
Prawn Suit | exosuit |
Prawn Suit | exosuitfragment |
Prawn Suit Blueprint | ExosuitBlueprint |
Prawn Suit Claw Arm | ExosuitClawArmModule |
Prawn Suit Depth Module Mk1 | ExoHullModule1 |
Prawn Suit Depth Module Mk2 | ExoHullModule2 |
Prawn Suit Drill Arm | exosuitdrillarmmodule |
Prawn Suit Drill Arm | exosuitdrillarmfragment |
Prawn Suit Grappling Arm | exosuitgrapplingarmmodule |
Prawn Suit Grappling Arm | exosuitgrapplingarmfragment |
Prawn Suit Jump Jet Upgrade | exosuitjetupgrademodule |
Prawn Suit Poster – Land | PosterExoSuit1 |
Prawn Suit Poster – Sea | PosterExoSuit2 |
Prawn Suit Propulsion Cannon | exosuitpropulsionarmmodule |
Prawn Suit Propulsion Cannon | exosuitpropulsionarmfragment |
Prawn Suit Thermal Reactor | exosuitthermalreactormodule |
Prawn Suit Torpedo Arm | exosuittorpedoarmmodule |
Prawn Suit Torpedo Arm | exosuittorpedoarmfragment |
Propulsion Cannon | propulsioncannon |
Propulsion Cannon | propulsioncannonfragment |
Propulsion Cannon Blueprint | PropulsionCannonBlueprint |
Purple Table Coral | PurpleJeweledDisk |
Purple Tablet | precursorkey_purple |
Pygmy Bulb Bush | SmallKoosh |
Pygmy Fan | smallfanseed |
Pygmy Fan | SmallFan |
Pygmy Fan Cluster | SmallFanCluster |
Quartz | quartz |
Quartz | drillablequartz |
Quilted Double Bed | bed2 |
Rabbit Ray | rabbitray |
Rabbit Ray Egg | rabbitrayegg |
Rabbitray Undiscovered Egg | RabbitrayEggUndiscovered |
Radiation Gloves | RadiationGloves |
Radiation Helmet | RadiationHelmet |
Radiation Suit | radiationsuit radiationgloves radiationhelmet |
Radiation Suit | RadiationSuit |
Radio | radio |
Reactor Rod | reactorrod |
Reaper Leviathan | reaperleviathan |
Rebreather | rebreather |
Reclaimed Water | stillsuitwater |
Red Eyeye | lavaeyeye |
Red Table Coral | RedJeweledDisk |
Red Tablet | precursorkey_red |
Redwort | redbush |
Redwort Seed | redbushseed |
Reefback Dna Sample | ReefbackDNA |
Reefback Leviathan | reefback |
Reefback Leviathan Egg | reefbackegg |
Reefback Undiscovered Egg | ReefbackEggUndiscovered |
Reginald | reginald |
Regress Shell | redconeplantseed |
Regress Shell | RedConePlant |
Reinforced Dive Suit | reinforceddivesuit |
Reinforced Dive Suit | reinforceddivesuitfragment |
Reinforced Gloves | ReinforcedGloves |
Reinforcement | basereinforcement |
Repair Tool | welder |
Repulsion Cannon | repulsioncannon |
Rice Snack | Snack2 |
River Prowler | spineeel |
Rockgrub | rockgrub |
Rouge Cradle | redbasketplantseed |
Rouge Cradle | RedBasketPlant |
Ruby | aluminumoxide |
IDs – S
All the Item Id – Subnautica items S
Item Name | Item ID – Subnautica |
Safe Shallows Egg | safeshallowsegg |
Salt Deposit | salt |
Salt Deposit | drillablesalt |
Sample Analyzer (non-functional) | LabEquipment3 |
Sand Shark | sandshark |
Sand Shark Egg | sandsharkegg |
Sandshark Undiscovered Egg | SandsharkEggUndiscovered |
Sandstone Outcrop | sandstonechunk |
Scanner | scanner |
Scanner Room | basemaproom |
Scanner Room | basemaproomfragment |
Scanner Room Hud Chip | maproomhudchip |
Scanner Room Range Upgrade | maproomupgradescanrange |
Scanner Room Speed Upgrade | maproomupgradescanspeed |
Sea Crown | seacrownseed |
Sea Crown | SeaCrown |
Sea Dragon Leviathan | seadragon |
Sea Emperor Leviathan | seaemperor |
Sea Emperor Leviathan (babies) | seaemperorbaby |
Sea Treader | seatreader |
Seaglide | seaglide |
Seaglide | seaglidefragment |
Seamoth | seamoth |
Seamoth | seamothfragment |
Seamoth Blueprint | SeamothBlueprint |
Seamoth Depth Module | SeamothReinforcementModule |
Seamoth Perimeter Defense System | seamothelectricaldefense |
Seamoth Solar Charger | seamothsolarcharge |
Seamoth Sonar | seamothsonarmodule |
Shale Outcrop | shalechunk |
Shoal Of Fish | hoopfishschool |
Shocker Undiscovered Egg | ShockerEggUndiscovered |
Shuttlebug | jumper |
Shuttlebug Egg | jumperegg |
Sign | sign |
Signal | Signal |
Silicone Rubber | silicone |
Silver Ore | silver |
Silver Ore | drillablesilver |
Single Wall Shelf | singlewallshelf |
Skyray | skyray |
Small Marblemelon | SmallMelon |
Small Sample Flask | LabContainer2 |
Small Vac-pack | SmallSupplyCrate |
Solar Panel | solarpanel |
Solar Panel | solarpanelfragment |
Spadefish | spadefish |
Spadefish Egg | spadefishegg |
Spadefish Undiscovered Egg | SpadefishEggUndiscovered |
Specimen Analyzer | SpecimenAnalyzer |
Specimen Analyzer Blueprint | SpecimenAnalyzerBlueprint |
Speckled Rattler | purplerattle |
Speckled Rattler Spore | purplerattlespore |
Spiked Horn Grass | shellgrass |
Spiked Horn Grass Seed | shellgrassseed |
Spinefish | spinefish |
Spotlight | spotlight |
Spotted Dockleaf | spottedleavesplant |
Spotted Dockleaf Seed | spottedleavesplantseed |
Spotted Reeds | greenreeds |
Stalker | stalker |
Stalker Egg | stalkeregg |
Stalker Teeth | stalkertooth |
Stalker Undiscovered Egg | StalkerEggUndiscovered |
Standard O2 Tank | tank |
Stasis Rifle | stasisrifle |
Stasis Rifle | stasisriflefragment |
Stasis Rifle Blueprint | StasisRifleBlueprint |
Stillsuit | stillsuit |
Stillsuit | stillsuitfragment |
Storage Module | vehiclestoragemodule |
Sulphur Plant | crashhome |
Survival Knife | knife |
Swim Charge Fins | swimchargefins |
Synthetic Fibers | aramidfibers |
IDs – T to X
All the Item Id – Subnautica items T to X
Item Name | Item ID – Subnautica |
T Compartment | basecorridort |
Table Coral | GenericJeweledDisk |
Table Coral Sample | jeweleddiskpiece |
Terraformer | Terraformer |
Terraformer Blueprint | TerraformerBlueprint |
Terraformer Fragment | TerraformerFragment |
Thermal Plant | thermalplant |
Thermal Plant | thermalplantfragment |
Thermal Plant Blueprint | ThermalPlantBlueprint |
Thermoblade | heatblade |
Thermometer | Thermometer |
Tiger Plant | spikeplant |
Tiger Plant Seed | spikeplantseed |
Titanium | titanium |
Titanium | drillabletitanium |
Titanium Ingot | titaniumingot |
Torpedo System | seamothtorpedomodule |
Toy Car | ToyCar |
Transfuser | transfuser |
Transfuser | transfuserfragment |
Transfuser Blueprint | TransfuserBlueprint |
Trash Can | trashcans |
Tree Leech | barnaclesuckers |
Tree Mushroom | TreeMushroom |
Twisty Bridges Egg | twistybridgesegg |
Ultra Glide Fins | ultraglidefins |
Ultra High Capacity Tank | highcapacitytank |
Uraninite Crystal | uraninitecrystal |
Uraninite Crystal | drillableuraninite |
Uranium | Uranium |
Use Bioreactor 0-1 Charge | UseBaseBioReactor |
Use Nuclear Reactor 0-1 Charge | UseBaseNuclearReactor |
Vac-pack | SupplyCrate |
Vehicle Upgrade Console | baseupgradeconsole |
Vehicle Upgrade Console | baseupgradeconsolefragment |
Veined Nettle | purplefan |
Veined Nettle Seed | purplefanseed |
Vending Machine | vendingmachine |
Vertical Connector | baseconnector |
Violet Beau | purplestalk |
Violet Beau Seed | purplestalkseed |
Vortex Torpedo | whirlpooltorpedo |
Voxel Shrub | pinkflower |
Voxel Shrub Seed | pinkflowerseed |
Wall | BaseWall |
Wall Locker | smalllocker |
Wall Planter | baseplanter |
Wall Shelves | wallshelves |
Warper | warper |
Water Filtration Machine | basefiltrationmachine |
Water Filtration Machine | FiltrationMachine |
Waterproof Locker | smallstorage |
White Tablet | precursorkey_white |
Window | basewindow |
Wiring Kit | wiringkit |
Writhing Weed | purpletentacle |
Writhing Weed Seed | purpletentacleseed |
X Compartment | basecorridorx |
Other Subnautica guides:
- Creatures Guide (Below Zero)
- Aurora Codes
- Lead Location (Below Zero)
- Magnetite Location (Below Zero)
- Diamond Location (Below Zero)
- Full Map
- Resources Locations (Below Zero)
- PS4 Cheats
- NoClip
One item on this list is incorrect. The Stillsuit has been changed to the Water Filtration Suit during the latest update and its ID has changed with it. I have yet to figure out what it is, but it must be along the lines of ‘waterfiltrationsuit’. I have yet to test that, though.