Mega Knockdown – M.M. Lewis Update

M.M. Lewis Update

Last Updated on 27 October, 2024

Mega Knockdown is bringing out a brand-new character in their latest update. Called the M.M. Lewis Update, this patch marks their 4th character of the game- M.M. Lewis.

MM Lewis Update

  • With this patch, M.M. Lewis becomes the fourth character with completed artwork!
  • Lewis’ throw and PileDebunker are two of his moves that have new effects. Additionally, like all other “late moving” attacks, his slide has a new appearance and sports afterimages.
  • Only Marv and Noel remain from the original six characters. We intend to work on these two characters simultaneously because their designs will make them both technically difficult to animate. Noel or Marv might not be done for at least two months.\

Nick’s New Air Throw

  • Because Nick’s air throw was incomplete in the final two patches, his graphics were officially incomplete. As a result, we have gone from two to four visually “finished” individuals in a single night.
  • The move is still functionally the same, but it now has an added visual flourish: the enemy will drop to the ground and then land a butt smash on top of them.

Gameplay and System Changes

  • Slippery Slope, Lewis’ sliding assault, has been modified to be more reliable and steady. Previously ranging from 25 to 55 f, the startup speed is now 35 to 45 f, depending on spacing. With the exception of Lewis’ backward moving specials, slide no longer possesses added speed when compared to other late moving strikes. Previously, the slide’s speed was halved to 5f if the opponent walked forward, or lowered by the same amount if they walked backward. The startup cannot be lowered below 35 or raised above 45 with this modification.
  • If there is space, Nick’s A combo now always moves forward. He used to skip the step if he was already within range of the Cheesy Dust Loop.
  • The alignment of the Tutorial UI has been slightly changed.
  • Hitboxes are once more displayed behind the user interface.
  • A new plugin that is less prone to cause false positives has taken the place of the slurs plugin in the online lobbies chat.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that had existed for literally four years: when two players were jumping toward each other and three squares apart, Player 2 would get priority for the square in the one specific screen position where Player 1 should have, giving Player 2 a very slight advantage in screen position—at least on paper.
  • A rare softlock that occasionally happened when a move was whiffed in a punish scenario has been fixed.
  • A turn order issue that would arise if the player repeatedly used low attacks against a neutral leaping training dummy has been fixed.
  • A hit detection issue that was triggering asynchronous trades in some anti-air scenarios has been fixed.
  • Resolved an issue where characters occasionally reacted to grabs out of sync with the grasp.
  • Both Player 1 and Player 2 now constantly have Marv jC at -20. In the past, it was positive in a few particular ranges that weren’t the same for both players.
  • Noel’s plant armor can now be broken by Player 1. This was already possible for Player 2, however there was a P1 bug.
  • Noel’s strikes that prevented a hitstop during a combination with a plant were fixed.
  • Although Noel’s actual assault was slower than 10f, it was fixed to prevent her opponent from suffering attack damage plus vine damage if her vine swapped hits with a 10f strike.
  • Player 2’s (only) delayed animations in a vine exchange scenario have been fixed.
  • Noel can still use a high damage OTG combo to bring down a target after whiffing jA but hitting with Vine, however the damage from her whiffed jumping strikes is no longer included. Since this encounter was somewhat unexpected, we might go over it again in the future.
  • When two Noel players hit each other with vines while executing slower (interrupted) attacks, they occasionally give each other varying amounts of knockback.
  • When Lewis and I blocked a vine together with a standard attack, Lewis took less chip than he had planned.
  • A bug that occasionally put Lewis in the same square as his opponent when he was using his slide has been fixed.
  • Fixed Lewis’s forward pop on the slide after he was struck by Lewis’ Euphoria fist.
  • Depending on the corner position, Fixed Slide alternates between winning and losing against Fist of Euphoria.
  • PileDebunker’s odd appearance when trading with Slide has been fixed.
  • During a punish, the Fixed Fist of Euphoria has more range.
  • A Paul Sprite without white eyes has its colors corrected.
  • During his A Combo, fixed Jerma Nick seems to teleport ahead.
  • A flickering hitbox issue that occasionally affected air throws has been fixed.
  • When a player is hit, the input indicator’s “Punish” label no longer vanishes.
  • Fixed a bug that caused your lobby to fail when you returned to the lobby scene after finding a match in the Matchmaking Queue if the game attempted to search for other lobbies during the approximately one frame that it lingered in the Lobby Browser screen.

    The devs also appreciated Sente and Hypergrav, two community members, for their assistance in locating a number of bugs and other problems in the last few weeks. Players may always use F8 in-game to offer feedback or report bugs.


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