Last Updated on 14 February, 2021
Factorio Console Commands & Cheats – How to open console and all the available cheats, console commands & admin commands
- 1 Factorio Console Commands & Cheats – Enable Console
- 2 Factorio Console Commands & Cheats – General
- 3 Factorio Console Commands & Cheats – Inventory
- 4 Factorio Console Commands & Cheats – World Manipulation
- 5 Factorio Console Commands & Cheats – Enemy & Evolution
- 6 Factorio Console Commands & Cheats – General
- 7 Factorio Console Commands & Cheats – Research
- 8 Factorio Console Commands & Cheats – Modding tools
- 9 Admin Commands
Factorio Console Commands & Cheats – Enable Console
Just hit the “/” (slash) or “~” (tilde) key while in-world to open or enable the console. Then you can type:
- /help: for a list of all the available commands
- /command or /c: for a list of all the available cheats
Of course we are going to provide you all the cheats, but take in mind that using /command or /c disables the achievements
Factorio Console Commands & Cheats – General
You can change red values:
- Mine Faster: “/c game.player.force.manual_mining_speed_modifier=1000“
- Craft Faster: “/c game.player.force.manual_crafting_speed_modifier=1000“
- Unlock and research all technologies: “/c game.player.force.research_all_technologies()”
Factorio Console Commands & Cheats – Inventory
You can change red values:
First enable cheat mode, if you want to disable it, replace true with false
- Cheat Mode: “/c game.player.force.manual_mining_speed_modifier=true“
- Refill resources: “/c game.player.selected.amount=1000” (hold the cursor over the resource tile of the resource you want to refill
- Add items: “/c game.player.insert{name=”iron-plate“, count=50}”
- Increase inventory slots: “/c game.player.force.character_inventory_slots_bonus=300“
Factorio Console Commands & Cheats – World Manipulation
You can change red values:
- Reveal the map (radar): “/c local radius=200
game.player.force.chart(game.player.surface, {{game.player.position.x-radius, game.player.position.y-radius}, {game.player.position.x+radius, game.player.position.y+radius}})” - Delete chunks: “/c local surface = game.player.surface;
local chunk_radius = 25;
for chunk in surface.get_chunks() do
if (chunk.x < -chunk_radius or chunk.x > chunk_radius or chunk.y < -chunk_radius or chunk.y > chunk_radius) then
end” - Turn off night (eternal day): “/c game.player.surface.always_day=true“
- Game speed: “/c game.speed=1” (from 0.01 to 5)
- Freeze time: “/c game.player.surface.freeze_daytime=true” (or false)
- Remove pollution: “/c game.player.surface.clear_pollution()”
- Add pollution: “/c game.player.surface.pollute(game.player.position, 50000)”
- Disable friendly fire: “/c game.player.force.friendly_fire = false“
- Delete decoratives: “/c game.player.surface.destroy_decoratives({})”
Factorio Console Commands & Cheats – Enemy & Evolution
You can change red values:
- Set evolution factor: “/c game.forces[“enemy”].evolution_factor=1“
- Kill enemy bitters: “/c game.forces[“enemy”].kill_all_units()”
- KIll all enemies: “/c local surface=game.player.surface
for key, entity in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered({force=”enemy”})) do
end” - Enable peaceful mode: “/c game.player.surface.peaceful_mode = true“
Factorio Console Commands & Cheats – General
You can change red values:
- God Mode: “/c game.player.character=nil”
- Teleport: “/c game.player.teleport([x],[y])”
- Increase player max reach: “/c local reach = 1000
- game.player.force.character_build_distance_bonus = reach
game.player.force.character_reach_distance_bonus = reach”
Factorio Console Commands & Cheats – Research
You can change red values:
- Unlock and research all technologies: “/c game.player.force.research_all_technologies()”
- Research Queue: “/c game.player.force.research_queue_enabled = true“
- Faster Research: “/c game.player.force.laboratory_speed_modifier=3“
- Enable all recipes: “/c for name, recipe in pairs( do recipe.enabled = true end”
Factorio Console Commands & Cheats – Modding tools
You can change red values:
- Mod’s data: “/c __rso-mod__ game.player.print(serpent.dump(global))”
- Write mod list to file: “/c game.write_file(“mods.txt”, serpent.block(game.active_mods))”
Admin Commands
- /clear: to clear console
- /color <color>: RGB value, format # # #
- /evolution: Alien evolution factor
- /h [command]: List of available commands
- /permissions: Permissions GUI
- /screenshot [x resolution] [y resolution] [zoom]
- /seed: Starting map seed
- /time: Map age
- /unlock-shortcut-bar: blueprint, string import, copy & paste, upgrade planner, deconstruction…
- /unlock-tips: to unlock tips & tricks
- /version: current game version
- /admin: to open player management GUI
- /admins: List of admins
- /ban <player> <reason>: to ban a player with a reason
- /bans: List of bans
- /banlist <add/remove/get/clear> <player>: to add or remove from banlist
- /demote <player>: Demtes player from admin
- /ignore <player>: To mute in chat
- /ignores: List of muted players
- /kick <player> <reason>: to kick a player with a reason
- /players: List of in-game players
- /promote <player>: To admin
- /purge <player>: Clears his/her messages in chat
- /server-save: Saves the game
- /shout <message>: Message for all
- /unban <player>: to unban a player
- /unignore <player>: Removes /ignore
- /whisper OR /w <player> <message>: Private message for a player
- /whitelist <add/remove/get/clear> [player]: to add or remove from whitelist
Other Factorio Guides:
- Boiler to Steam Ratio
- Solar Panel Ratio
- Oil Refinery
Other Console Commands guides
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