Last Updated on 16 June, 2022
Pokemon Cloud White 3 Cheats GBA – Tons of ROM Cheats – Pokedex, Badges, Stats, PP, Money, Shiny, Walk Thorugh Walls, Encounters, Xp, Locations and more
- 1 Pokemon Cloud White 3 Cheats GBA – Full List
- 1.1 Steal Other Trainer’s Pokemon
- 1.2 Shiny Pokemon (encounter)
- 1.3 All Pokemart Items = $1
- 1.4 100% Catch Rate
- 1.5 Walk Through Walls
- 1.6 Infinite Rare Candy
- 1.7 Pokemon Cloud White 3 Cheats – Infinite Master Ball
- 1.8 Pokemon Cloud White 3 Cheats – Healing Items
- 1.9 Pokemon Cloud White 3 Cheats – Berries
- 1.10 Pokemon Cloud White 3 Cheats – Other Items
- 1.11 Pokemon Cloud White 3 Cheats – One Hit Kill
- 1.12 Pokemon Cloud White 3 Cheats – Infinite Exp
- 1.13 Pokemon Cloud White 3 Cheats – Gender Modifier
- 1.14 Pokemon Cloud White 3 Cheats – Nature Modifier
- 1.15 Pokemon Cloud White 3 Cheats – Infinite PP
- 1.16 Pokemon Cloud White 3 Cheats – Infinite Money
- 1.17 Pokemon Cloud White 3 Cheats – No Random Encounters
- 1.18 Pokemon Cloud White 3 Cheats – Max Stats
- 2 Pokemon Cloud White 3 Cheats GBA – How to use them with Visual Boy Emulator
- 3 Pokemon Cloud White 3 Cheats GBA – How to use them with My Boy Emulator
- 4 Pokemon Cloud White 3 Cheats GBA – How to Trade Pokemon
Pokemon Cloud White 3 Cheats GBA – Full List
Check all the Pokemon Cloud White 3 Cheats GBA ROM:
Steal Other Trainer’s Pokemon
(Press L+R before throwing)
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Gameshark:
4D83B1BF E0F5F507
8E883EFF 92E9660D
B6C5368A 08BE8FF4
90B4977C C0151DC2
Shiny Pokemon (encounter)
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Gameshark:
1670047D 04815C68
18452A7D DDE55BCC
All Pokemart Items = $1
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Gameshark:
3C25A344 FD8F451C
AD86124F 2823D8DA
100% Catch Rate
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Gameshark:
87ACF659 707466DC
8BB602F7 8CEB681A
Walk Through Walls
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Gameshark:
509197D3 542975F4
78DA95DF 44018CB4
Infinite Rare Candy
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Code Breaker:
82025840 0044
Pokemon Cloud White 3 Cheats – Infinite Master Ball
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Code Breaker:
82025840 0001
Pokemon Cloud White 3 Cheats – Healing Items
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Code Breaker:
82025840 XXXX (Replace XXXX with)
000D = Potion
000E = Antidote
000F = Burn Heal
0010 = Ice Heal
0011 = Awakening
0012 = Parlyz Heal
0013 = Full Restore
0014 = Max Potion
0015 = Hyper Potion
0016 = Super Potion
0017 = Full Heal
0018 = Revive
0019 = Max Revive
Pokemon Cloud White 3 Cheats – Berries
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Code Breaker:
82025840 XXXX (Replace XXXX with)
0085 = Cheri Berry
0086 = Chesto Berry
0087 = Pecha Berry
0088 = Rawst Berry
0089 = Aspear Berry
008A = Leppa Berry
008B = Oran Berry
008C = Persim Berry
008D = Lum Berry
008E = Sitrus Berry
008F = Figy Berry
0090 = Wiki Berry
0091 = Mago Berry
0092 = Aguav Berry
0093 = Iapapa Berry
0094 = Razz Berry
0095 = Bluk Berry
0096 = Nanab Berry
0097 = Wepear Berry
0098 = Pinap Berry
0099 = Pomeg Berry
009A = Kelpsy Berry
009B = Qualot Berry
009C = Hondew Berry
009D = Grepa Berry
009E = Tamato Berry
009F = C Ornn Berry
00A0 = Magost Berry
00A1 = Rabuta Berry
00A2 = Nomel Berry
00A3 = Spelon Berry
00A4 = Pamtre Berry
00A5 = Watmel Berry
00A6 = Durin Berry
00A7 = Belue Berry
00A8 = Liechi Berry
00A9 = Ganlon Berry
00AA = Salac Berry
00AB = Petaya Berry
00AC = Apicot Berry
00AD = Lansat Berry
00AE = Starf Berry
00AF = Enigma Berry
Pokemon Cloud White 3 Cheats – Other Items
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Code Breaker:
82025840 XXXX (Replace XXXX with)
00B3 = Bright Powder
00B4 = White Herb
00B5 = Macho Brace
00B6 = Exp Share
00B7 = Quick C Law
00B8 = Soothe Bell
00B9 = Mental Herb
00BA = C Hoice Band
00BB = King’s Rock
00BC = Silver Powder
00BD = Amulet C Oin
00BE = C Leanse Tag
00BF = Soul Dew
00C 0 = Deep Sea Tooth
00C 1 = Deep Sea Scale
00C 2 = Smoke Ball
00C 3 = Everstone
00C 4 = Focus Band
00C 5 = Lucky Egg
00C 6 = Scope Lens
00C 7 = Metal C Oat
00C 8 = Leftovers
00C 9 = Dragon Scale
00C A = Light Ball
00C B = Soft Sand
00C C = Hard Stone
00C D = Miracle Seed
00C E = Black Glasses
00C F = Black Belt
00D0 = Magnet
00D1 = Mystic Water
00D2 = Sharp Beak
00D3 = Poison Barb
00D4 = Nevermelt Ice
00D5 = Spell Tag
00D6 = Twisted Spoon
00D7 = C Harcoal
00D8 = Dragon Fang
00D9 = Silk Scarf
00DA = Up-Grade
00DB = Shell Bell
00DC = Sea Incense
00DD = Lax Incense
00DE = Lucky Punch
00DF = Metal Powder
00E0 = Thick C Lub
00E1 = Stick
00FE = Red Scarf
00FF = Blue Scarf
0100 = Pink Scarf
0101 = Green Scarf
0102 = Yellow Scarf
0103 = Mach Bike
0104 = C Oin C Ase
0105 = ItemFinder
0106 = Old Rod
0107 = Good Rod
0108 = Super Rod
0109 = S.S. Ticket
010A = C Ontest Pass
010C = Wailmer Pail
010D = Devon’s Goods
010E = Soot Sack
010F = Basement Key
0110 = Acro Bike
0111 = PokeBlock C Ase
0112 = Letter
0113 = Eon Ticket
0114 = Red Orb
0115 = Blue Orb
0116 = Scanner
0117 = Go-Goggles
0118 = Meteorite
0119 = Rm.1 Key
011A = Rm.2 Key
011B = Rm.4 Key
011C = Rm.6 Key
011D = Storage Key
011E = Root Fossil
011F = C Law Fossil
0120 = Devon Scope
001A = Fresh Water
001B = Soda Pop
001C = Lemonade
001D = MooMoo Milk
001E = Energy Powder
001F = Energy Root
0020 = Heal Powder
0021 = Revival Herb
0022 = Ether
0023 = Max Ether
0024 = Elixer
0025 = Max Elixer
0026 = Lava C Ookie
0027 = Blue Flute
0028 = Yellow Flute
0029 = Red Flute
002A = Black Flute
002B = White Flute
002C = Berry Juice
002D = Sacred Ash
002E = Shoal Salt
002F = Shoal Shell
0030 = Red Shard
0031 = Blue Shard
0032 = Yellow Shard
0033 = Green Shard
003F = HP Up
0040 = Protein
0041 = Iron
0042 = C Arbos
0043 = C Alcium
0044 = Rare C Andy
0045 = PP Up
0046 = Zinc
0047 = PP Max
0049 = Guard Spec
004A = Dire Hit
004B = X Attack
004C = X Defend
004D = X Speed
004E = X Accuracy
004F = X Special
0050 = Poke Doll
0051 = Fluffy Tail
0053 = Super Repel
0054 = Max Repel
0055 = Escape Rope
0056 = Repel
005D = Sun Stone
005E = Moon Stone
005F = Fire Stone
0060 = Thunder Stone
0061 = Water Stone
0062 = Leaf Stone
0067 = Tiny Mushroom
0068 = Big Mushroom
006A = Pearl
006B = Big Pearl
006C = Stardust
006D = Star Piece
006E = Nugget
006F = Heart Scale
0079 = Orange Mail
007A = Harbor Mail
007B = Glitter Mail
007C = Mech Mail
007D = Wood Mail
007E = Wave Mail
007F = Bead Mail
0080 = Shadow Mail
0081 = Tropic Mail
0082 = Dream Mail
0083 = Fab Mail
0084 = Retro Mail
Pokemon Cloud White 3 Cheats – One Hit Kill
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Gameshark:
C833D1A0 02FA7205
Pokemon Cloud White 3 Cheats – Infinite Exp
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Gameshark:
Pokemon Cloud White 3 Cheats – Gender Modifier
Female – Cheats Codes GBA ROM Gameshark:
EB34F751 A96B854D
78DA95DF 44018CB4
Male – Cheats Codes GBA ROM Gameshark:
EB34F751 A96B854D
141BB87C 83D7018F
Pokemon Cloud White 3 Cheats – Nature Modifier
AA3BB0ED 41CD5D95 + Nature Code
Example for Lonely:
D73BC50A 5F47AA0E
Nature Codes:
D0E34D66 5796A7D3 = Hardy
D73BC50A 5F47AA0E = Lonely
E485844D 2F24038C = Brave
5EB8DEEE 692ED298 = Adamant
83286B46 6479AA98 = Naughty
35EB915F 08F33974 = Bold
A58F6F1B BFB13FEF = Docile
34027F23 7E7E1599 = Relaxed
CDA2AB99 F89D5BB9 = Impish
D593BF29 E18AAAE5 = Lax
1BC372C9 06B4D17F = Timid
D4950A99 D729D80A = Hasty
93F04759 F95753D9 = Serious
E9EC2CBF A7EDD4A7 = Jolly
56F744B0 37E16732 = Naive
E1EB2109 4480C28D = Modest
A2461E51 304137B6 = Mild
0456554B 66D3AAF9 = Quiet
B05B4CCD A0A1505B = Bashful
909149AB 2DE8726A = Rash
31F62F82 D9A0C100 = Calm
9A41D845 41B93FE6 = Gentle
D47DA721 6C3B9FFC = Sassy
1A15BF1E E72650E4 = Careful
5A7B2626 21ECD183 = Quirky
Pokemon Cloud White 3 Cheats – Infinite PP
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Gameshark:
42023C08 6363
00000002 0002
Pokemon Cloud White 3 Cheats – Infinite Money
Master Code:
8E883EFF 92E9660D
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Gameshark:
29C78059 96542194
Pokemon Cloud White 3 Cheats – No Random Encounters
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Gameshark:
D41DD0CA 33A629E5
8E883EFF 92E9660D
Pokemon Cloud White 3 Cheats – Max Stats
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Gameshark:
First Pokemon
Second Pokemon
Third Pokemon
Fourth Pokemon
Fifth Pokemon
Sixth Pokemon
Pokemon Cloud White 3 Cheats GBA – How to use them with Visual Boy Emulator
These are the steps to use Pokemon Cloud White 3 Cheats GBA ROM with Visual Boy Emulator:
- Open the VBA emulator
- Select File > Open and choose the Pokemon Cloud White 3 ROM
- When the game starts, select Cheats > Cheat list from the VBA menu
- Select Gameshark
- Enter a code and select OK, then repeat steps 4 and 5 to enter all the codes you want
- Select OK again to resume the game with cheats enabled
Pokemon Cloud White 3 Cheats GBA – How to use them with My Boy Emulator
These are the steps to use Pokemon Cloud White 3 Cheats GBA ROM with My Boy Emulator:
- Launch the My Boy app and load your Pokémon Cloud White 3 ROM
- Tap the menu icon in the top-left corner of the screen to open the My Boy menu
- Tap Cheats
- New Cheat
- Tap Cheat name and enter a description of the cheat
- Tap Cheat code, enter the code, then tap OK
- Three dots in the top-right corner of the screen, then tap Save
- Tap the back button on your device to resume the game with cheats enabled
Pokemon Cloud White 3 Cheats GBA – How to Trade Pokemon
- Launch Pokémon Cloud White 3 in the My Boy Emulator and tap the menu icon in the top-left corner of the screen
- Tap Link Local.
- Tap Another game.
- Select the game you want to trade with.
- When the new game launches, tap the menu icon again, then tap Switch game
- Select Pokémon Cloud White 3 to resume your game.
- You can now go to a Pokémon Center to initiate trading, then switch back to the other game to complete the process.
Do you know any more Pokemon Cloud White 3 Cheats GBA ROM?
Other Pokemon’s Games GBA & ROM Cheats:
- Fire Red
- Leaf Green
- Emerald
- Ruby
- Sapphire
- Yellow
- Crystal
- Gold
- Silver
- Unbound
- Gaia
- Light Platinum
- Diamond
- Ultra Shiny Gold Sigma > Here
- Black
- Radical Red > Here
- Soul Silver > Here
- The Last Fire Red > Here
- Glazed
- Theta Emerald Ex > Here
- Cloud White
- Mega Power
- Ash Gray
- Dark Rising
- Heart Gold > Here
- Resolute
- Blazed Glazed > Here
- Flora Sky
- Victory Fire
- Alpha Sapphire > Here
- Inclement Emerald
- Emerald Legendary > Here
- Cloud White 3 > Here
- FireRed 898 Randomizer
- Inflamed Red > Here
- Mega Moemon FireRed
- Fakemon FireRed Ha > Here
- Mythic Legends > Here
- Stigma > Here
- Kanto Black > Here
- Omega Ruby > Here
- Inflamed Red > Here
- Crystal Clear > Here
- Jupiter
- Blue
- Clover
- Outlaw
- Korosu
- Ultra Violet
- Moon Emerald > here
- Pearl
- Theta Emerald Renev > here
- Prism
- Saiph
- GS Chronicles
- Firered Rocket Edition
- Liquid Crystal > Here
- Mega Origins
- Dark Rising 2 > Here
- Nameless
- Dreams
- Cosmic Emerald > Here
- League of Legends
- Kanlara
- Cloud White 3
- Altered Emerald
- Dreary
- Sovereign of the Skies
- Emerald Enhanced > Here
- Inclement Emerald > Here
- Darkfire
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