Last Updated on 16 June, 2022
Pokemon Saiph Cheats GBA – Tons of ROM Cheats – Pokedex, Badges, Stats, PP, Money, Shiny, Walk Thorugh Walls, Encounters, Xp, Locations and more
- 1 Pokemon Saiph Cheats GBA – Full List
- 1.1 Shiny Pokemon (Encounter)
- 1.2 Pokemart Items Cost = 1
- 1.3 Walk Through Walls
- 1.4 No Random Encounters
- 1.5 Infinite Healing Items
- 1.6 Gender Modifier
- 1.7 Pokemon Saiph Cheats GBA ROM – Nature Modifier
- 1.8 Pokemon Saiph Cheats GBA ROM – 100% Catch Rate
- 1.9 Pokemon Saiph Cheats GBA ROM – One Hit Kill
- 1.10 Pokemon Saiph Cheats GBA ROM – Infinite Exp
- 1.11 Pokemon Saiph Cheats GBA ROM – Infinite Money
- 1.12 Pokemon Saiph Cheats GBA ROM – Infinite Rare Candy
- 1.13 Pokemon Saiph Cheats GBA ROM – Infinite Master Ball
- 1.14 Pokemon Saiph Cheats GBA ROM – Infinite PP
- 1.15 Pokemon Saiph Cheats GBA ROM – Infinite Berries
- 1.16 Pokemon Saiph Cheats GBA ROM – Max Stats
- 1.17 Pokemon Saiph Cheats GBA ROM – Level Modifier
- 2 Pokemon Saiph Cheats GBA – How to use them with Visual Boy Emulator
- 3 Pokemon Saiph Cheats GBA – How to use them with My Boy Emulator
- 4 Pokemon Saiph Cheats GBA – How to Trade Pokemon
Pokemon Saiph Cheats GBA – Full List
Check all the Pokemon Saiph Cheats GBA ROM:
Shiny Pokemon (Encounter)
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Gameshark:
1670047D 04815C68
18452A7D DDE55BCC
Pokemart Items Cost = 1
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Gameshark:
3C25A344 FD8F451C
AD86124F 2823D8DA
Walk Through Walls
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Gameshark:
509197D3 542975F4
78DA95DF 44018CB4
No Random Encounters
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Gameshark:
D41DD0CA 33A629E5
8E883EFF 92E9660D
Infinite Healing Items
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Code Breaker:
82025840 XXXX (replace XXXX with)
000D = Potion
000E = Antidote
000F = Burn Heal
0010 = Ice Heal
0011 = Awakening
0012 = Parlyz Heal
0013 = Full Restore
0014 = Max Potion
0015 = Hyper Potion
0016 = Super Potion
0017 = Full Heal
0018 = Revive
0019 = Max Revive
Gender Modifier
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Gameshark – Female:
EB34F751 A96B854D
78DA95DF 44018CB4
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Gameshark – Male:
EB34F751 A96B854D
141BB87C 83D7018F
Pokemon Saiph Cheats GBA ROM – Nature Modifier
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Gameshark:
AA3BB0ED 41CD5D95 + Nature Code
Example for Relaxed:
AA3BB0ED 41CD5D95 34027F23 7E7E1599
Nature Codes:
D0E34D66 5796A7D3 = Hardy
D73BC50A 5F47AA0E = Lonely
E485844D 2F24038C = Brave
5EB8DEEE 692ED298 = Adamant
83286B46 6479AA98 = Naughty
35EB915F 08F33974 = Bold
A58F6F1B BFB13FEF = Docile
34027F23 7E7E1599 = Relaxed
CDA2AB99 F89D5BB9 = Impish
D593BF29 E18AAAE5 = Lax
1BC372C9 06B4D17F = Timid
D4950A99 D729D80A = Hasty
93F04759 F95753D9 = Serious
E9EC2CBF A7EDD4A7 = Jolly
56F744B0 37E16732 = Naive
E1EB2109 4480C28D = Modest
A2461E51 304137B6 = Mild
0456554B 66D3AAF9 = Quiet
B05B4CCD A0A1505B = Bashful
909149AB 2DE8726A = Rash
31F62F82 D9A0C100 = Calm
9A41D845 41B93FE6 = Gentle
D47DA721 6C3B9FFC = Sassy
1A15BF1E E72650E4 = Careful
5A7B2626 21ECD183 = Quirky
Pokemon Saiph Cheats GBA ROM – 100% Catch Rate
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Gameshark:
87ACF659 707466DC
8BB602F7 8CEB681A
Pokemon Saiph Cheats GBA ROM – One Hit Kill
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Gameshark:
C833D1A0 02FA7205
Pokemon Saiph Cheats GBA ROM – Infinite Exp
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Code Breaker:
Pokemon Saiph Cheats GBA ROM – Infinite Money
Master Code
8E883EFF 92E9660D
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Code Breaker:
29C78059 96542194
Pokemon Saiph Cheats GBA ROM – Infinite Rare Candy
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Code Breaker:
Pokemon Saiph Cheats GBA ROM – Infinite Master Ball
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Code Breaker:
82025840 0001
Pokemon Saiph Cheats GBA ROM – Infinite PP
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Code Breaker:
42023C08 6363
00000002 0002
Pokemon Saiph Cheats GBA ROM – Infinite Berries
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Code Breaker:
82025840 XXXX (replace XXXX with)
0085 = Cheri Berry
0086 = Chesto Berry
0087 = Pecha Berry
0088 = Rawst Berry
0089 = Aspear Berry
008A = Leppa Berry
008B = Oran Berry
008C = Persim Berry
008D = Lum Berry
008E = Sitrus Berry
008F = Figy Berry
0090 = Wiki Berry
0091 = Mago Berry
0092 = Aguav Berry
0093 = Iapapa Berry
0094 = Razz Berry
0095 = Bluk Berry
0096 = Nanab Berry
0097 = Wepear Berry
0098 = Pinap Berry
0099 = Pomeg Berry
009A = Kelpsy Berry
009B = Qualot Berry
009C = Hondew Berry
009D = Grepa Berry
009E = Tamato Berry
009F = C ornn Berry
00A0 = Magost Berry
00A1 = Rabuta Berry
00A2 = Nomel Berry
00A3 = Spelon Berry
00A4 = Pamtre Berry
00A5 = Watmel Berry
00A6 = Durin Berry
00A7 = Belue Berry
00A8 = Liechi Berry
00A9 = Ganlon Berry
00AA = Salac Berry
00AB = Petaya Berry
00AC = Apicot Berry
00AD = Lansat Berry
00AE = Starf Berry
00AF = Enigma Berry
Pokemon Saiph Cheats GBA ROM – Max Stats
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Code Breaker:
First Pokemon
Second Pokemon
Third Pokemon
Fourth Pokemon
Fifth Pokemon
Sixth Pokemon
Pokemon Saiph Cheats GBA ROM – Level Modifier
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Gameshark:
56307399 25DF4466
+ Level Code
Example for Level 14.
56307399 25DF4466
D4ABF236 D713B4E0
Level Codes
1: 8BB602F7 8CEB681A
2: 00939804 4086FF3B
3: 2BD38F05 D5A578B1
4: 5685B807 3787DACB
5: A9E4EA45 3651CADD
6: E37D365E D7EAB6AB
7: 51374592 F7A27768
8: A08DD229 10D187E3
9: D84D4738 70F68A80
10: 4C6C2B8C CD0528EB
11: 1F1785AC 433A6DC2
12: B4F6F07D 8F56BA40
13: E32BCCB1 07782CD6
14: D4ABF236 D713B4E0
15: 3CD3295F 921F1D1C
16: B9C51F47 95395496
17: 784E8A1B 83A3E0EF
18: 902D754C 80AFE55F
19: 9D362B43 96A4D044
20: 8C434E48 F703A9E1
21: CC449941 F0BBB13A
22: CEDDB323 FFA50BB1
23: 4688F12F FF9DBE10
24: F6DA2242 E2EDA644
25: 2D02A8EA 9B748C49
26: 9D2895EF 6A2BEE59
27: 1BB7262E 80989B57
28: 79693C0B A82C5A23
29: B98E773A D6E0D6AD
30: A457FA67 BCD9C478
31: 881976CC 20B658FF
32: 0073F88A 0A4E81B6
33: 792E7A0F F4BF8DDB
34: 0965B686 64E170F2
35: C70600E8 789A0DAC
36: 0CF8B98B 706A26BE
37: 2E7A201E 5EDBDEE3
38: 9B169FF5 CBABA5A6
39: 7928BBA3 C55BBEAB
40: 155D7103 D66B8A15
41: 7B9DFCEF 830C6BDA
42: BA697C16 93D76910
43: CCED8F7A 8EC0F43C
45: 710D8A2D 45E999F3
46: 2EC0F0EC 6B1A061F
47: E951E67F BFD89E41
48: B743EDBF B82BB83A
49: 4BF9418B EFC87C19
50: CBEB73A3 90A08906
51: 9818C0C6 E03F8431
52: 8A448A37 583B581C
53: 1855C5A3 70B67919
54: 72898F14 3F2CD864
55: 3E7B9D1E 5CE7F0DC
56: B62795CF CEAE6A48
57: 05858D31 D4449EFE
58: 314DD562 05A14AD1
59: 1DE20256 C4AB72E6
60: 202ABE52 BDC4E314
61: 8AA97E8E D5A80225
62: 8655EB8B 26823B03
63: ACFA01BA 15A282DC
64: AFD8D98B 21E6E4D4
65: 1C2D3029 63D27E35
66: 23D312F1 77111159
67: 20999F30 F1874934
68: 51CF1F27 2E270374
69: 845807DF 2140D018
70: 628E474E E708D501
71: DF5B6268 4EC6A43E
72: 7781E696 7D4D1BAB
73: 2390ED5B F7A08F55
74: FD22366B 83B5DB98
75: 39E224D9 232864F2
76: 2056B422 AB6E09BD
77: 600E909B 524CA077
78: 2E14F003 6BE9DAB3
79: 287541CA 8951C140
80: 9675F502 DB139F05
81: BB099C03 1B03F256
82: 6DC87BB5 6FE8ACDD
83: D82A82B0 CAB7DFD4
84: F738C6D5 A33DF2E1
85: FB80C720 E028C27A
86: 1906A7C9 D7EBAA39
87: D31623FE 50011104
88: D052E037 C6886109
89: A4E99E04 BB9B2A8F
90: 750CEC25 D42EAE36
91: 1CAC5FD6 92679660
92: A5CCA03B 7FED218A
93: 08CBA806 AE4A2260
94: 722C0931 68DA1B05
95: 32DCE4F7 2ABBC366
96: 9F6EE1B2 D14F1E6F
97: 095F268D 77B7D906
98: C2955A45 B3CBC610
99: FCEFE173 1DCCEB51
100: 56307399 25DF4466
Pokemon Saiph Cheats GBA – How to use them with Visual Boy Emulator
These are the steps to use Pokemon Saiph Cheats GBA ROM with Visual Boy Emulator:
- Open the VBA emulator
- Select File > Open and choose the Pokemon Saiph ROM
- When the game starts, select Cheats > Cheat list from the VBA menu
- Select Gameshark
- Enter a code and select OK, then repeat steps 4 and 5 to enter all the codes you want
- Select OK again to resume the game with cheats enabled
Pokemon Saiph Cheats GBA – How to use them with My Boy Emulator
These are the steps to use Pokemon Saiph Cheats GBA ROM with My Boy Emulator:
- Launch the My Boy app and load your Pokémon Saiph ROM
- Tap the menu icon in the top-left corner of the screen to open the My Boy menu
- Tap Cheats
- New Cheat
- Tap Cheat name and enter a description of the cheat
- Tap Cheat code, enter the code, then tap OK
- Three dots in the top-right corner of the screen, then tap Save
- Tap the back button on your device to resume the game with cheats enabled
Pokemon Saiph Cheats GBA – How to Trade Pokemon
- Launch Pokémon Saiph in the My Boy Emulator and tap the menu icon in the top-left corner of the screen
- Tap Link Local.
- Tap Another game.
- Select the game you want to trade with.
- When the new game launches, tap the menu icon again, then tap Switch game
- Select Pokémon Saiph to resume your game.
- You can now go to a Pokémon Center to initiate trading, then switch back to the other game to complete the process.
Do you know any more Pokemon Saiph Cheats GBA ROM?
Other Pokemon’s Games GBA & ROM Cheats:
- Fire Red
- Leaf Green
- Emerald
- Ruby
- Sapphire
- Yellow
- Crystal
- Gold
- Silver
- Unbound
- Gaia
- Light Platinum
- Diamond
- Ultra Shiny Gold Sigma > Here
- Black
- Radical Red > Here
- Soul Silver > Here
- The Last Fire Red > Here
- Glazed
- Theta Emerald Ex > Here
- Cloud White
- Mega Power
- Ash Gray
- Dark Rising
- Heart Gold > Here
- Resolute
- Blazed Glazed > Here
- Flora Sky
- Victory Fire
- Alpha Sapphire > Here
- Inclement Emerald
- Emerald Legendary > Here
- Cloud White 3 > Here
- FireRed 898 Randomizer
- Inflamed Red > Here
- Mega Moemon FireRed
- Fakemon FireRed Ha > Here
- Mythic Legends > Here
- Stigma > Here
- Kanto Black > Here
- Omega Ruby > Here
- Inflamed Red > Here
- Crystal Clear > Here
- Jupiter
- Blue
- Clover
- Outlaw
- Korosu
- Ultra Violet
- Moon Emerald > here
- Pearl
- Theta Emerald Renev > here
- Prism
- Saiph
- GS Chronicles
- Firered Rocket Edition
- Liquid Crystal > Here
- Mega Origins
- Dark Rising 2 > Here
- Nameless
- Dreams
- Cosmic Emerald > Here
- League of Legends
- Kanlara
- Cloud White 3
- Altered Emerald
- Dreary
- Sovereign of the Skies
- Emerald Enhanced > Here
- Inclement Emerald > Here
- Darkfire
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